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Airpark Complaints Process


Airpark complaints process is available here on our website for our clients, and so ensures our clients are informed of their right to complain about our organisation and service. Complaints are accepted in a variety of ways, through the form below, via:


All complaints will be handled in a manner that is impartial and fair. Our process provides the opportunity for our clients to submit details of their grievance or complaint and have an opportunity to be heard before the review of the complaint is finalised. 

We thoroughly and objectively review any complaints we receive, and are committed to keeping people informed of the progress of their complaint. 

We commit to listen to our client’s concerns and treat them with dignity and respect, whilst maintaining confidentiality throughout the complaints process.


We will respond to complaints within 3 business days, and will seek to resolve the complaint at the earliest opportunity. Complaints that cannot be resolved at first contact, or those that raise more serious concerns about our company, will be forwarded for further review/investigation within 5 business days. Airpark are committed to these timeframes and will inform our clients of the progress of their complaint and reasons for any delay in the complaint resolution process through email or messages or phone calls. 


We will only collect and disclose information to those staff who are involved in the review of the complaint. Documents relating to a complaint investigation are securely stored and only accessible to those staff involved in the review of the complaint. Complaint outcomes may be anonymised and shared within our organization to promote continuous quality improvement.

Complaint Procedure Form

Initial Complaints form: Please complete this form and we will respond within 48 hours advising you of our process and how we will investigate the matter and what we can do to help remedy.

3 Step Complaint Handling Process

1. Frontline Resolution

Firstly we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours by email, or phone or by message.  The acknowledgment will include information on who will be dealing with the complaint as the primary point of contact and confirmation of the process here including timescales.

The primary point of contact will then begin investigation depending on the nature of the complaint may gather information from our staff, from our portal system which contains details of the clients booking and photographs of when the clients vehicle is collected from the client and when the vehicle is returned to the client.

The primary point of contact has Airpark’s Authority to dismiss the complaint if the issue of complaint is not the responsibility of Airpark or Airpark’s staff, if concerns have been raised previously and investigated and concluded, if the matter is before the courts, the complaint appears to be vexatious or if the remedy sought by the client is not achievable.

2. Investigation

If a complaint is not resolved by the primary point of contact immediately, the client complainant may ask for it to be forwarded for further review by management. Requests for review should be acknowledged by email or message within 5 business days, and will include information about the staff member responsible for conducting the review and the anticipated timeline for completion of the review.
All relevant evidence will be considered by the investigator during the review process, and the client complainant will be provided an opportunity to be heard and comment on any preliminary findings prior to Airpark concluding the review of their complaint.

Our goal is always to resolve any client complaint fairly.

3. Concluding complaints, Remedies & Appeal options

A final email reply is due at the conclusion of a complaint investigation and provided to the client complainant within 15 business days. This conclusion email written in clear and accessible language, will include information a summary of the issues raised, the investigation conducted, the conclusions reached and what decision is reached to provide remedy.
Should our client want to appeal they can and this will be duly considered. Airpark if unable to provide a remedy will offer an apology and acknowledgment  for the complaint problem, and will reconsider the previous decision and if possible will look to influence changes to policies or procedures within the organisation to prevent reorccurance.

As a service provider we offer up to a 50% discretionary refund on a complaint being upheld after investigation.

Clients have the right to seek further review and if impossible to reach a remedy the client can complete the Hojas de Reclamaciones.

Recording of Complaints – Hojas De Reclamaciones

In Spanish Law every business must have a Hojas De Reclamaciones (Customer Complaint Forms) which the Consumer Office can investigate. We endeavour to resolve all complaints directly with our clients. However if we are unable we will offer the client to complete the Hojas De Reclamaciones in person at our premises. The client must include the reason for the com­plaint and what res­ult you would like to see, a re­fund, or something fixed. The client will need to in­clude your name and ad­dress, phone num­ber, but they will reply by post, the dates and tim­ing of what has happened, sup­ply and keep cop­ies of any evid­ence re­lat­ing to the com­plaint, like price lists, in­voices etc.

Airpark CIF number to add to the form is E05267794

Airpark will add some comments to the form, or on a separate paper and take copies of the whole complaint, White copy and Green copy and the Pink copy will remain in the complaints register, the Hojas De Reclamaciones.

The client will then take the white one plus pho­to­cop­ies of your evid­ence, in­voices, re­ceipts, whatever to the local Con­sumer Of­fice. The client must retain the Green copy and copies of the evidence or receipts for their records. The com­plaint is looked into and they will con­tact the busi­ness. The client will receive the res­ult in a few weeks or a few months depending on the Consumer office.